EDRS Corrections Workflow for Data Providers

Records filed by the EDRS (Electronic Death Registration System) needing corrections or completions on the personal and demographic items must be submitted electronically by the data provider who has electronically signed or affirmed the actual record within the DAVE application.  

A paper based VS-7 (Correction form) must also be submitted at this time until agency rules have been amended (10-146 Chapter 2).  VS-7 corrections forms may be downloaded from the Office of Data, Research and Vital Statistics - Vital Records web-site at http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/boh/phs/odrvs/vital-records/index.shtml .

Once the System Administrator has received the original VS-7 form, along with documentation if needed, the correction may be approved.  Corrections will not be processed electronically and will not be available until the necessary documentation and the original VS-7 containing notarized signatures of the correct person applying has been submitted to the Vital Records Unit.  When submitting the VS-7 form, data providers must indicate on the form that the record is within the EDRS by providing “EDRS Case Id # 00000” in the space provided for a State File No:_____ (located top right).

EDRS corrections will be done bi-weekly.  If you are a data provider in need of a correction process to be rushed, you may call the EDR System Administrator to schedule an appointment at (207) 287-6504.

Once the System Administrator has approved the completed VS-7 form and reviewed the documentation, the change will be approved electronically.   The correction will immediately be available to the municipalities of death and residence for issuance. 

If the municipality of residence has not been enrolled yet in the EDRS, then the municipality of residence will receive an attested paper-based replacement death record to issue from, along with a cover letter providing directions until they are enrolled into the system.  As municipalities are enrolled, they will be required to destroy the attested EDRS death records sent, and only issue directly from the system.  There will also no longer be a need to forward the VS-7 correction form to the municipalities of death and residence. 

Please remember that corrections submitted 90 days after the date of filing of a death record, will be marked amended and the change will be reflected on the actual record.  Corrections submitted 90 days after the date of filing will result in a $60.00 fee.  The link for the new law changes effective July 12, 2010 are provided below for your reference. 

Title 22 §2705 (Amendment of vital statistics records)

For rules pertaining to recent fee changes, please reference 10-146 Office of Data, Research and Vital Statistics, Chapter 7 Vital Records Fees.
